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Thats two continents down, at least one to go. No more bikes have fallen over recently. It was a quiet week in Buenos Aires, especially with me limping everywhere. We spent most of the week sleeping and socialising in the garage at Dakar Motors, who have a workshop with a 'hostel' attached. Basic, but functional, and shared with other bikers and travelers. We managed to fill one night, along with about 40,000 others, at an Iron Maiden stadium concert. The next few days were taken up with arranging to fly the bikes to Madrid and running around drawing large sums...

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They landed ok on Wednesday but could not find the bikes, they tracked them down at the opposite end of the airport so decided to collect and unpack them the next morning. Refreshed, they took a 20 min taxi ride to the other side, found the bikes but were hit with a storage bill (overnight) of $1400.   A great start! but "James Cargo" have had a good tongue lashing and a 95% refund is on its way. After unpacking and sorting out their gear (camping gear not "gear") they spent 2 days camping and relaxing with the locals, including...

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Taken directly from Bruce's last email: Had a bit of an adventure :-) Progress in Colombia continues at a snails pace. We headed North for San Gil and then Santa Marta, on the Caribbean coast, as everyone at our Bogota hostel said it was a good route to take to get to Cartagena. What no one mentioned was the number of cars, buses and trucks crawling up and down the winding mountain roads to get north. We took 8 hours to do 330kms (120miles), and when we arrived at the hostel in San Gil we discovered the road north was...

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The bikes are packed for transport, Bruce and Jean are hoping to meet up with them next Wednesday in Toronto. Bikes have been shipped "air mail" by the time I have written this. I wish I had invented bubble wrap! or cling film!

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We have probably had the most exciting, exhilarating, white knuckle inducing days riding  so far. The off the beaten track roads in Mexico we used with Jim, Tony and Gavin were just a warm up. Back to riding in a group again,(linked up with a Canadian, Evan, and 2 Alaskans , Mike and Alex) who suggested a ride to Semuc Champey and a hostel not in any guide books. With no one really sure really sure of which way the road we wanted was as Guatemala probably has the worst road signing we have come across yet (and helpful locals...

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