Final preps for trip and bikes for sale content

On Sunday I noticed the tiny chip in the windscreen was now a crack  
I rang around on Monday to get quotes (not covered) and they ranged from £130 -£400 (ouch)
Hey a big thanks to Rob at Budget windscreens (Wigan) He got a new screen, came to my work's and fitted it by 11.00am the following day.

It was a good price and a great job, well done! Panic over

Stickering is now finished and is looking good, I will post the final pic's  very soon (have to hide them from Motorscape till Saturday)

We set off early Friday morning so not long now.

In all the confusion I have still not finished the bikes for sale content, I just don't seem to get a spare couple of hours.

Will sort it as soon as I can.